The Latest

Black with Ash, Red with Grinding

Lodged in Molotov Cocktail’s Killer Flash mega-issue, this one’s about the dark stuff different groups of people do to the other. I was thinking about colonialism, oppression, evangelism, and appropriation, but the great thing about darkness is, that shit’s everywhere. You can’t cover it all in under a thousand words.


Included in Molotov Cocktail’s Killer Flash mega issue, this is a story about being different, figuring out who you are, and the pain we may inadvertently cause others in the process.

Dark Morsels

Sample the tasty darkness. A collection of eleven tiny fictions, including two new flashes to deepen that hollow, hopeless feeling we all cherish. Out now from Red Bird Chapbooks.

Schooling for Coach

A sudden fiction featured in the beautiful zine The Mysteries Trade, no. 001: FISH, which is filled with a glorious range of creations. It’s about a mediocre high school basketball team trying to learn a new play from their biology teacher slash coach with unexpectedly high stakes.

Bad Meat

The Drabblecast published this weird, gross little story, complete with inspiring sound effects.

About Chip

Chip’s short fiction has appeared in PodCastle, Bourbon Penn, Daily Science Fiction, New Myths, PULP Literature, and lots of other markets. He’s published a fair amount of micro and flash fiction, including a collection of them called Dark Morsels with Red Bird Chapbooks.

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